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Notice for International Students who are Living on Campus 

2020年02月05日 16:54  点击:[]


Dearinternational students,



  Recently,the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) hasbeen breaking out in some places of China. Your safety and healthare the highest priority of HUHST. For students living on campus,please pay close attention to your physical condition, arrange your self-studyand life properly and do the following points:


   Pleasetake effective self-protective measures, do not gather on or off campus,do not visit other students in the dormitory, do not contact people from theareas where the respiratory illness is prevailing, and do not contact peoplewith fever, cough and other symptoms.


   Rightnow the University implements a strict exit-entry system, only 2 representativestudents could go outside to buy goods for one time per week. Please do notleave the University if not necessary! If you have to leave school for specificreasons, it is necessary to apply for permission from the teachers and returnto school in 2 hours, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter theUniversity. Please wear masks and walk rather than take public transportation(such as bus, taxi, and etc.).


Ifyou want to return to your home country, please apply before returning. It isnot allowed to leave unless you are admitted. In the meantime, the Universitywill provide necessary assistance. You are not allowed to return tothe University before Feb. 24Thespecific time is subject to the official notice of the university.


  Pleaseabide by the above rules strictly. Those who violate the rules will be punishedseriously according to the Chinese law and regulations of HUHST!


Thankyou for your understanding and cooperation.




InternationalCooperation and Exchange centerHUHST

February5th, 2020

上一条:2020届留学生在我国驻孟加拉国大使馆官网上发表“我的中国故事”文章 下一条:转发中共湖南省委外事工作委员会办公室《致在湘外籍人士、港澳同胞的一封公开信》


