HUHST Holds Graduation Ceremony and Evening Party for 2017 Graduates

On the evening of June 1st, the graduation ceremony and evening party for 2017 graduates which were co-organized by Office of Teaching Affairs and University Youth League Committee were held in the university gymnasium. Guo Jun, Secretary of CPC HUHST Committee, along with other university leaders and all personnel of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee attended this ceremony. Over 3,000 teachers and students participated in the ceremony and evening party. Liu Tieming,  Deputy Secretary of CPC HUHST Committee, presided over the graduation ceremony.

The graduation ceremony was kicked off with playing the national anthem. On the ceremony, Guo Jun conveyed kind words to the graduates, expecting them to be their best and be a responsible person, wishing them to live their dreams. Teacher representative Yang Zhengde, parent representative Yuan Liguo and graduate representative Li Hongwei gave a speech respectively. Zhou Faming, Vice-president,  read out the Resolution about Awarding Bachelor's Degrees to Guo Zhigao and Other Students, then conferred graduation certificates and degree's diplomas for 50 excellent graduate representatives. The graduation ceremony came to a close in the music of the university song Dream of Flying.

 Afterwards the graduation evening party began. The unique sand painting video looked back on the classic scenes of campus life; the original dance,¡ªThose Things Happened in Dormitories, and Love Exists Forever showed that graduates felt reluctant to leave their school; the song and dance drama The Story of Time and Pretty Huadan ( a female role in traditional opera) reappeared graduates' scenes of campus life; in the interactive activity of teachers and students, they embraced and said farewell to each other£»The adapted song The days in HUHST which was sung by Ultraviolet Light Music Band brought the atmosphere to a climax. In the end, the evening party came to a close in the dance Don't Say Goodbye which was performed by the graduates from School of Music and Dance.

 This graduation ceremony and evening party fulfilled the first live webcast of school large events. Many graduates who can not come back to school watched the live webcast by the Wechat official account of our university Youth League Committee. They gave thumbs up and left words to give best wishes to Alma mater.

Guo Jun gives a speech on the graduation ceremony

All personnel of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee takes a group picture with graduate representatives

Ultraviolet Light Music Band sings the adapted song The days in HUHST

Graduates from School of Music and Dance performs the dance Don't Say Goodbye

Some university leaders take a group picture with performers