Vice President Jang Jianchu leads a delegation to visit TAFE NSW

Jiang Jianchu, Vice President of HUHST, visited TAFE NSW West Region from November 27, 2017 to December 1, 2018. The delegation was warmly received by the counterparts .

The delegation first talked with Andrew Crowley, Director of VET Department, Brad Polak, Director Business Capability Unit, and Amber Mastrangeli, international project manager. The counterparts introduced the overall situation of of TAFE, and highlighted three training modes: The first is that trainees go to TAFE for training in Australia; the second is that TAFE assigns one teacher to the other institution for training, which is called Master Classes; the third is that TAFE sends a number of teachers to the other institution to train the would-be trainers of that institution, which is called “Train the Trainers”. They also introduced the special programs: Australian Study Tour and Master Classes. Jiang  introduced the situation of our university, reviewed the exchanges of the two universities, and said that in the transformation of our university, we would like to further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between two universities in the field of  teacher training and student exchange.  After the meeting Jiang Jianchu, on behalf of our university, signed a cooperation agreement with TAFE.

The delegation visited electrician university-enterprise cooperation training base of TAFE in company with Crowley. Nick Mastrangli, head of the training base, introduced the operating mode of the base and how TAFE was linked to enterprises. The delegation also visited the teaching facilities of early childhood education, nursing, and business administration.

Vice President Jiang Jianchu signed a cooperation agreement with TAFE on behalf of HUHST.

The delegation visited Cadia Cottage, TAFE's cooperative training base.