President Liu Heyun Led a Delegation to Visit Universities in Georgia and Poland

On December 8-15, President Liu Heyun led a delegation to visit the Caucasus University in Georgia and theGdanski University of Technology in Poland.

During his visit to the Caucasus University of Georgia, Liu Heyun and his delegation were warmly welcomed by Professor Dr.Kakha Shengelia, Vice President, Professor Dr.Guram Lezhava, andtheir advanced administration and teaching team, and then a cooperation fairwas held. At the meeting, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions andexchanges on several topics such as student exchanges, joint teaching of majorcourses, teacher development and etc., and finally reached a consensus oncooperation and signed a memorandum of cooperation.

During the visit in Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, Professor and Doctor Zdzis Law Rapacki, thePresident of the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, held a warm welcome meeting and a cooperation fair. The presidents of the two sides conducted detailed negotiations on the flexible introduction of doctors into our school,the development of young teachers, and the promotion of bilingual teaching, andreached a  preliminary consensus on such fields; At the same time, the twosides also conducted effective exploration on the feasibility of students'horizon-broaden programs ,in other words, joint-teaching master degree programs such as 3 + 1 + 1 and 3 + 0.5 + 2.

This visit was approved by the Hunan Provincial Department of Education and the Hunan Foreign Affairs Office.

Visiting theUniversity of Gdansk, Poland

The negotiation meeting in Gdansk University, Poland

Visiting the Caucasus University, Georgia

Signing cooperation agreement with Caucasus University