The university holds meeting on "do practicalthings for the people" and consolidate anti-poverty achievements in Changshi Village, Xinhua County

On July 6, Liu Heyun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the university, visited Changshi Village, Shuichuan Town, Xinhua County, accompanied by theOrganization Department, School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, School ofRural Revitalization and other departments, to hold a meeting on "doingpractical things for the people” and consolidating anti-poverty achievements.Zhou Haiqiang, deputy secretary of the Xinhua County Party Committee, and XiaoYongping, secretary of the Party Committee of Shuiche Township, and othercommittee members of Changshi Village attended the meeting.


Liu pointed out that the university had spared no efforts in helping ChangshiVillage against poverty. Over the past five years, the university has used theadvantages of talents and technical resources to help the village by improvingthe infrastructure, developing leading industries and promoting collectiveeconomy. The university will continue to purchase oil tea in the form ofconsumer poverty alleviation to solve the sales problems of farmers andeliminate their worries; to visit the people in difficulty to solve theirtemporary living problems; to coordinate funds to solve the problem of the bridgeat Changshi Primary School for the sake of students’ safety, etc.


Zhou Haiqiang expressed his gratitude to the university on behalf of Xinhua County Government, and welcomed the arrival of the delegation. He fully affirmed theeffectiveness of Changshi Village's anti-poverty drive under the univesity'svigorous support. He expressed Xinhua's confidence in making Changshi Village amodel village for the county's rural revitalisation with characteristic village planning, industrial modernisation and participation by all.

After the meeting, Liu and other delegates visited the oil tea base, and gave anin-depth investigation of the development of the oil tea base and currentproblems. Professor Kang Linfeng was invited to provide on-site guidance on oiltea cultivation technology, and he taught the relevant technical pointsone-on-one in person. Finally, Liu stressed that the development of industry should be the priority, and the prosperity of industry is an importantbreakthrough to consolidate the anti-poverty efforts and the source of power toimplement the rural revitalization strategy. In the future, the universityshould carry out more activities to share more techniques with Changshi Village, and contribute to the rural revitalization.


(By GongYanhua)