Li Junlin, vice Chairperson of the university consil, leads a team to Guanxi Village to carryout activities to help students

   On September 5, Li Junlin, vice Chairperson of the university Consil, led a team to carry out the "Golden Autumn Scholarship"activity in Guanxi Village, Jinshi Town, Lianyuan City. The organization department, publicity department, trade union, alumni office and other departments were accompanied by the person in charge, the university's villageteam and related staff attending the activity.


The scholarship ceremony was held in the meeting room of the village committee of Guanxi Village, presided over by Jiang Heji, Secretary ofthe Discipline Inspection Committee of Jinshi Town. Li Junlin distributed scholarships to the outstanding students in Guanxi Village who had received university admission letters this year, and encouraged them to cherish theopportunity to study, to develop comprehensively, to grow up to be a virtuousand talented person as soon as possible, and to contribute to the constructionand development of their hometown and motherland. Li also put forwardrequirements for the village task force, hoping that the team members woulddevote themselves to improving the ideological quality and scientific andcultural level of villagers, vigorously promote civilized countryside and goodfamily customs, guide villagers to emancipate their minds, update their concepts, improve their quality, enhance their ability to get rich, and inject"living water" of talents for rural revitalization.


After the ceremony, Li led a team to visit thirteen households who were not out of poverty yet, sending them rice and oil and conveying careand greetings to them on behalf of the university.


Talents are a key resource for rural revitalization. To carryout the activity of "Golden Autumn Scholarship" and distribute scholarships to prospective students in Guanxi Village is a vivid reflection ofour university's practice of "I do practical things for the people"in the study and education of Party history, which shows the responsibility of universities to promote rural revitalization.

(Photo/Liu Guanghui Tang Yuxing Wen/Li Xia)
