Vice President Chen Zhiguo Led a Team to Loudi High-Tech District to Carry Out The Special Action of Visiting Companies and Promoting Student’s Employment

    On the afternoon of May, Vice President Chen Zhiguo led a team to visit Loudi High-tech districtwhere is the Sany Group affiliated enterprise Zhongyuan New Material Companylocated, to carry out the special action of visiting companies and promotingstudents’ employment. Deng Weimou, Mayorof Lianyuan City, accompanied the research.

  In the conferenceroom of Loudi High-tech District, the two sides, the university and theLianyuan City have discussed this special action. Deputy Secretary of the PartyWorking Committee of Loudi High-tech District, Deputy Director Yuan Menghua andthe relevant functional departments in charge of high-tech District, enterpriserepresentatives, alumni representatives participated in the discussion. At themeeting, Yuan Menghua expressed a warm welcome to Chen Zhiguo and allattendees, and introduced the overall positioning, general layout anddevelopment of the high-tech district. He said that the high-tech district hasformed the industrial development pattern of focusing on two main industriesand one special industry and one innovative industry (construction machinery parts,new energy and materials, biomedicine and IT technique). The economicdevelopment of the district cannot be separated from the support of collegesand universities, and the development of enterprises needs to be promoted byboth schools and enterprises. We hope that our outstanding students willcontribute their wisdom and strength to the economic development of high-techdistrict. The district will do a good job of service work, activelymatchmaking, actively build a cooperation and exchange platform for bothschools and enterprises, and promote precise docking between enterprises anduniversities. He also asked the comrades in charge of talent introduction inthe high-tech district to implement a practical program as soon as possible,and organize enterprises to recruit on campus as soon as possible to identifytheir talent needs.

  Chen Zhiguo brieflyintroduced the basic situation of our university, such as disciplines andstudent scale. He said that the purpose of “Visiting Enterprises and Promoting Employment”is to further deepen the cooperation between university and enterprises,cultivate high-level talents, and promote higher quality and fuller employmentof graduates. The university has significant advantages and distinctivefeatures in the fields of materials and machinery manufacturing. We hope thatboth sides will strengthen cooperation in the field of talent training, deepenthe integration of education and industry, and serve the local economy.

  After the meeting,accompanied by Zhu Jingwei, general manager of Sany Zhongyuan MaterialsCompany, Chen Zhiguo and his team came to the standardized plants andfunctional test occasions of rollers and graders of Sany Zhongyuan and SanyRoad Machinery, visited the production workshops and the construction of theproject, and listened to the introduction of the relevant responsible persons.The head of relevant functional departments of the university and the head ofthe college accompanied the research.