Program of Material Forming and Control Engineering Selected as National First-rate Undergraduate Discipline Construction Base

   Recently, Ministry of Education issued anotice on the name list of national and provincial first-rate undergraduate discipline construction bases in 2021. Program of Material Forming and Control Engineering (MFCE) in HUHST is in the list.

   National first-rate undergraduate discipline is based on the ‘double-ten-thousand plan’ pushed by Ministry of Education on first-rate undergraduate discipline construction, aiming atenhancing the quality of undergraduate education and comprehensively improvingthe capacity of graduates. HUHST’s program of MFCE successfully selected intothe list of national first-rate discipline construction base, which is asignificant progress made by our university in discipline construction, marksanother great achievement after Program of MFCE’s ranking into the provincial‘double first-rate’ disciplines and Program of Energy and Power Engineering’sranking into the national first-rate discipline construction bases.

   Program of MFCE is an interdisciplinary applied technological one merging materialscience with engineering, mechanical engineering, automation, etc. Ukraine fellowof the academy in our university and Professor CHEN Zhiguo (exclusive member ofThe Nonferrous Metals Society of China, head of the provincial ‘double first-rate’discipline of Material Science and Engineering, Ph.D supervisor in CentralSouth University) lead the program.

   The program lays stress on the national guidelineof ‘Four Orientations’ and provincial strategy of the ‘Three High-Grounds andFour New Missions’, serving the construction and development of central Hunan advanced structural material national-strategic emerging industry groups. Solid foundation, broad vision and training of practical and innovative ability areits focuses. 40% of its students have been awarded various kinds of students hipsuch as the National Scholarship, National Scholarship for Encouragement, etc.Many of its graduates have gone to University of Southern California, Chongqing University, Hunan University, Southwest Jiaotong University, and so on, for pursuit of higher level of education.

   Program of MFCE successfully selected intothe list of national first-rate discipline construction base marks the establishment of HUHST material-related first-rate multi-discplinary groups(Material Science and Engineering, Material Forming, Material Chemistry, etc.)serving central Hunan steel and new material and engineering mechanical‘double-engine’ oriented industries, and provincial strategy of the ‘ThreeHigh-Grounds and Four New Missions’. It also lays the foundation for the construction of ‘material valley’ in the central regions of China.