Emergency Notice on Efforts against COVID-19

All colleges and departments:

In order to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Premier Li Keqiang, and the spirit of the executive meeting of the StateCouncil and the national teleconference on controlling the epidemic, andrelated work deployments of institutions in terms of the Minister of Education,Hunan Provincial Government and Provincial Department of Education, thenotification of efforts on  preventing COVID-19 in our university is asfollows:

1. Paying highattention to efforts on preventing and controlling the epidemic

(1) Establisha school epidemic prevention and control work leading group with the partycommittee secretary and principal as the team leader, other school leaders incharge of logistics, teaching and students, and security work as deputy heads.

(2) Immediatelystart emergency plans and mechanisms for public health emergency.

(3) Buildan epidemic information reporting system.

2. Proactivelyimplementing prevention and control measures

(4) Allteachers, students and staff ought to do personal protection.

(5) Teachersand students who have symptoms of respiratory tract infections such as fever,chest stuffiness, fatigue, and coughing, especially those who have been toWuhan before the onset of illness, should wear a surgical mask and promptly goto the fever department or emergency department of local hospital.

(6) Allsecond-level colleges and postgraduate education and teaching departmentsshould contact students in a timely manner, reminding students to pay closeattention to the development of the pandemic, and do not back to campus onholidays; the International Cooperation and Exchange Center should strengthenthe control and anti-epidemic work of foreign students.

(7) Thesecurity department should enhance the control of accesses to staff andvehicles, and the maintenance of emergency standby duty.

(8) Allthe staff on duty should take work seriously and do a good job.

(9) Afterthe start of the spring semester, we must focus on the prevention and controlof contagious diseases such as COVID-19 and so on, and strictly implementschool prevention and control measures of infectious disease.

3. Improving theenvironment and sanitation of campus

(10) Beforethe start of the spring semester, we should organize a patriotic healthcampaign with the prevention and control of contagious diseases in terms ofCOVID-19 as its core.

4. Reinforcingstudents’ awareness against epidemic through propagating and education

 (11) ThePublicity Department and Department of Student Affairs are responsible formessaging students and parents as soon as possible through many online channelssuch as Weibo, WeChat public account, parent group, student group and so on,carrying out health education, and disseminating knowledge and preventionrequirements of pandemic.

The Office ofHunan University of Humanities and Science

January 23, 2020