A Letter to All Foreign Friends in Hunan

The pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a newly-found disease from which the public should strengthen prevention. In response to the outbreak of such disease, Hunan Province launched the highest-level (Level-I) publichealth emergency response on January 23, 2020. The CPC Hunan ProvincialCommittee and the Provincial People’s Government have resolutely implemented the decisions and deployment made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and made all-out efforts to prevent and control the epidemic.Stringent and comprehensive measures have been taken to contain the spread ofthe virus in an orderly manner. Related information is released every day.Various prevention and control measures are implemented at all levels includingcounty, city, district, street, township, community, and village committee levels, and obvious results have been achieved. To protect the health of allforeign friends in Hunan, we would like to make the following suggestions:
   I. Improve self-protection awareness.
   Keep good personal hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with atissue when coughing or sneezing. Clean hands as often as needed. Wear asurgical mask when going out and dispose of the used mask appropriately. Keeprooms clean and maintain proper ventilation. Avoid unprotected contact withwild or farm animals. Avoid eating raw or cold food, have thoroughly cookedfood and drink more warm water.
   II. Reduce or avoid outdoor activities.
   Stay at home as much as possible, avoid crowded areas, andcancel parties, group dinners and other group activities.
   III. Ask for medical treatment when necessary.
   Beware of such symptoms as fever, cough, chest distress and fatigue, and wear a surgical mask and seek medical help immediately atdesignated hospitals in case of such symptoms.
   IV. Join in our mass prevention and control campaign.
   If you have been to affected areas or had contact with people from those areas within 14 days, please report to the local CDC as early as possible while closely monitoring your personal health condition. Stay athome and avoid outdoor activities. Please support and cooperate with thegovernment, community or medical staff for health information inquiries andcollection.
   V. Follow the latest updates on the epidemic via official channels.
   Please follow the news on the official website of Hunan Provincial Health Commission to get updated information on the developments ofthe epidemic and prevention and treatment guides. Check out the list of designated hospitals in Hunan and their contact information. If you have anyquestions, please call the 24-hour hotline: 0731-84510280/0731-12320.
   The Chinese government has every confidence and will be able to prevent and control the epidemic. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all foreign friends in Hunan for your various support. Let us allwish for the best, do our utmost, and join hands in securing a final victory inthe battle against the epidemic!

Foreign Affairs Office of
the Hunan Provincial People’s Government
February 2, 2020