6月20日以韩国群山大学社会科学学院院长Yong -Taek Lim为团长的19人教授团来澳门皇冠体育_皇冠足球比分-app*在线:访问交流。我系领导彭分文主任、王晓军副主任、贺桂和老师及郭英老师等参加了此项活动。
在学术交流期间,韩国群山大学教授Cho Sung Woo和 Seung Won分别作了题为Comparative Study of the Representative Low Cost Carriers(LCCs) in Europe- easy Jet and Ryanair和Performance Analysis of Ship –to- Yard Vehicles according to the Appearance of Tandem Quay Cranes的报告。我系教师贺贵和、郭英分别就Usability Analysis of C2CE-commerce Websites in China----taking5 C2CE-commerce websites in China as examples和Vision of a harmonious society,the government's public crisis management做了发言。中韩两国学者并就相关学术问题交换了意见。